Cardi B: Guilty Pleasure or Just a Pleasure?

So over the last few months, I’ve been hearing everyone talking about Love & Hip Hop’s Cardi B. It definitely caught me by surprise when I heard she made music but I guess that’s the whole point of the show right? To show people in love who do hip-hop? Ok…I don’t really know or care what they point of the show is. They do a lot, and all the time. Kanye shrug.
Anyway, I will say whenever I’ve watched “LAHHNY” I always enjoy her commentary. She’s that one keep it super-real “character” that might just say something so off the wall you’re a little shocked, amused, or offended…honestly maybe even all three. Check it for yourself whenever you want a fun, no-brain-cells-used type of show to watch. No shade, it’s just super easy to follow and not hard to digest. Ok so back on topic…on top of being the show’s comedic relief, there’s her HILARIOUS Instagram account that always seems to go viral for one reason or another. She’s super entertaining and naturally funny. So with that being said, I have a confession to make…I like Cardi B got-dog it and I’m ok with it!
Yes, people think the song sucks but I don’t feel guilty. She’s just fun! Now listen, her lyrics are totes explicit and saying all the dirty-birdy things but with Bodak Yellow you know you’re just having fun. I’m not comparing her to the hip-hop greats of yesteryear nor do I care about her cadence or delivery. I’m gonna keep keep rapping “These expensive, these is red bottoms
These is bloody shoes.” You people are just gonna have to deal with it.
And like I said, I just like her. She brings all of herself whether mentioning being an ex-stripper or working to get her teeth fixed, she gives no effs and that’s the kind of chick I can jam to. She’s a free spirit and doing what she wants, so go Cardi! You get a pass girl.
Now for you non-Judging Judys our there – if you want a good gym workout tune, this is it. Have fun, twerk sumn as the kids say, just don’t get out of hand. You don’t want people looking at you and posting you on Youtube. Just keep it reeled in. <3