So it has begun friends.
It’s already been a over a week in but the time of turkey, dressing, crazy decorative lighting, overly played Christmas songs and wild family shenanigans has been ushered in by the November food fest we call Thanksgiving. Also let’s not forget the ever anticipated lip-syncing extravaganza that took over the streets of New Your City, a la the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Speaking of the parade, 1. I’d personally LOVE to do it, it’s like a right of passage for any artist, 2. I think my cousin got to perform with the Prairie View A&M marching band. That’s pretty cool and yes I’m low-key jelly. It’s ok though, my time to shine will happen sooner than later – even if I have to jack a Sesame Street float and hold Elmo hostage. That just got dark real quick…I didn’t mean it. I love me a lil Elmo’s World.
Anywho, Thanksgiving came and went, and it was different for me this go round. It was definitely slower and super chill. I enjoyed seeing everyone and hanging with my people but I liked stepping back a bit too. Oh, and there was the food! Anyone who knows me, knows I ate everything I could. My best friend Adrienne, who I generally refer to as Adra, cooked her booty off! I probably should have taken more pictures, but I also decided to try and live in the moment. I’m finding the balance in all of this social media jazz but seriously, it’s hard to look fab when you’re eating like it’s the Last Supper and you’re borderline ready to pop that one top jean button. Don’t pretend like you’re not guilty of a little glutton.

KoKo, Dee and Me!
It was so fun though. The week started with us celebrating my girl Korlynn aka KoKo’s birthday, then going out for Ethiopian food later in the week and ending with a mini baecation as the kids say. Yeah, you read right and no I won’t dive into it now. Maybe later.

Lucy Ethiopian’s Qinttot No. 4
Well enough about me. How was your Turkey Day and are you ready for Christmas? I know I’m not. What I do know is we should all take a moment to reflect in this season of gratefulness and just throw out some positive vibes. It’s time to set up for the the new year and really make a splash in our world. <3