A November to Remember

So it’s the first week of November, AND Election 2020. I’ve never, in all my life, had a week like this. *Fair warning, I have nothing profound to say. I’ve just seriously never had a week like this.
After witnessing folks all over the Instaworld break quarantine to dazzle one another in their fancy costumes and later brunch -as if tha ‘Rona was miraculously cured- in honor of the very-very (un)important holiday, Halloween…time fell back. So now, on top of possibly contagious people running around, we barely know where we are in the day.
What I do know is we’re on the FOURTH day of the most epic presidential election I’ve ever experienced in my voting history. It’s been worse than waiting for a Black Southern Baptist preacher to wrap up a sermon after his 5th ending. This thing seems to never end. Needless to say, the country is waiting on pins and needles with the news of who will be the future leader of this great ole ‘Murica.

I was planning on having a post up yesterday but to be honest the times are so got-dog-on wild, I couldn’t even focus. As a matter of fact, I took off this week because I knew I wouldn’t be able to focus. I had an inkling I was going to need a mental break to rest, and regroup -regardless of what the results were- plus my body gave me the signs of needing a break, so I listened. Now here I am- spending my 3rd day hanging with a dog who does zoomies like military drills, watching marathons of cheesy Christmas movies on Hallmark/Lifetime (because I’m a real adult in need of a healthy dose of reality), buying holiday decorations, and building my new bar cart all the while simultaneously watching the current president meltdown on global news and Twitter. It’s such a fascinating time to be a grown-up.

Americans are witnessing another historic and dramatic election, in real time, and through the lens of social media and news companies. I can’t even believe we’re awaiting 4 “battleground” states to seal our fate, and that Black & Latinx people are basically leading the charge. I feel like that deserves its own post right there. But anyway, fortunately for me, I’ve learned how to keep myself distracted and mentally balanced. I’m definitely nervous and worried about the repercussions of this election. It feels like many people are cautiously optimistic about the results but fearfully anticipating the actions of 45’s gun-toting, flag-waving pirate minions. We’ll see how it all plays out though.

In more important news- I’m just plotting for the future. I feel so inspired to have some type of creative outlet or business…or both. I want to feel that entrepreneurial freedom, ya know? And Black women are really inspiring me to just do it. Through seeing the results of this election come in and how different Black women are making names for themselves/leading in ways we could never imagine- they have me so ready to take my life to the next level. I’m just inspired to do things I didn’t think were possible. Wait…I guess I lied, I did have something profound to say. And that is- I’m finding a silver lining in the midst of the madness, and oh there is so much madness.
But how is your first week of November going? Are you getting ready for the holidays or just pushing through elections? <3
-D. Wright