Get Inspired… Start With Why

So I’ve been on my entrepreneurial journey for the last 10 or so years. I know that creative pursuits don’t totally seem “entrepreneurial” or ground breaking initially, but creatives can singlehandedly change the landscape of society and shape the future perception of our day to day norms. I know it sounds super cheesy but Simon Sinek helped me to realize how important my place in the world could be.

I wanted to share this video, a leader once shared with me, in hopes to help you gain perspective and a little more insight to your personal goals in business and livelihood. I know that I’m constantly grabbing for information and inspiration, so I figured  you’d be able to draw out at least one message that personally speaks to you and the work you’d like to accomplish.

[su_quote cite=”People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

-Simon Sinek”][/su_quote]

Simon Sinek is a speaker and author inspiring thousands across the globe. He is best known for his TED Talk “Start with Why,” where he demonstrates his coined methodology, The Golden Circle.

Tell me your take-aways from Simon’s talk. I’d love to hear from you. <3

